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LJ Adam, DMD Blog

Do I Have to Use a CPAP Machine if I Have Sleep Apnea?

November 19, 2017

Woman with CPAP mask awakeTraditionally, doctors treated sleep apnea, the cessation of breathing for ten or more seconds at a time during sleep, using CPAP systems. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is only one option for patients who are suffering from sleep apnea. This is good news since more than 50% of patients with sleep apnea are considered CPAP intolerant due to an inability to adjust to the sounds and sensations of their CPAP systems during sleep. For sleep apnea patients who are CPAP intolerant, a trip to the dentist for a sleep apnea appliance may be a better treatment option.

Annual Dental Insurance Benefits

November 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ljadam @ 8:58 pm

Did you know your dental insurance benefits reset every year? It’s true. If your dental insurance plan — like most — is on a calendar year, you have just seven weeks to use the benefits you signed up for with your 2017 plan. Come Jan. 1, 2018, any and all of your paid-for, 2017, unused benefits will disappear.


Sleepless in Worthington … Is My Fatigue from Sleep Apnea?

October 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — ljadam @ 7:40 pm

Doctor holding sleep apnea signDo you find yourself still feeling tired throughout the day despite sleeping 7 to 8 hours at night? You may attribute it to stress from work or maybe even a bad mattress; however, the underlying cause could be something you had never expected. A sleep disorder, known as obstructive sleep apnea, can lead to daytime fatigue and an array of other complications when left untreated. If you have noticed that your sleep quality is declining, you may need treatment for sleep apnea in Worthington.

Know Your Options for Dental Implants in Worthington

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ljadam @ 1:06 pm

woman smiling on a sunlit porchAre you in reasonably good health but missing one, two, or many teeth? Dental implants offer the best option in tooth replacement for otherwise healthy people. Nothing else replaces the missing tooth as well as its supporting root like dental implants in Worthington. It’s a wise investment that you’ll enjoy for the rest of your life.


Back to School Children’s Dentistry in Worthington

August 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ljadam @ 7:54 pm

mother and daughter, dentist visit, children's dentist, family dentist Preparing for the school year isn’t easy. It seems as if the shopping doesn’t stop: clothes, shoes, and school supplies. One thing you may not have thought about — are your kids’ mouths in good shape to take on the new school year? Their smile should be strong, shining, and should make them feel confident walking into their classroom. If you’ve checked off the back-to-school shopping list but haven’t taken your kids to the dentist lately, it’s time to catch up with their children’s dentistry in Worthington. Our office not only works to get their smile gleaming and bright, but also offers great dental tips to help your family survive the school year with healthy teeth.


Your Dentist in Worthington Explains the Benefits of CEREC Technology

July 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ljadam @ 6:14 pm

Learn about CEREC technology from your dentist in Worthington.

Being told you need to have a tooth repaired is never ideal, especially when you have to make time in your hectic schedule for the appointment — or in some cases — multiple appointments. If you need a dental crown or bridge, Dr. LJ is proud to offer same-day service using the state-of-the-art CEREC system. No follow-up appointments. No temporary crown. Just one visit to our Worthington dental office — lasting just a couple hours — and you will be on your way with a complete, permanent smile restoration. 

As one of the few providers offering same-day crowns in the Worthington, Freeport, and Butler areas, our office is eager to explain the benefits of CEREC technology with new and existing patients.


Are you Brushing Correctly? Find Out From Your Dentist in Worthington

June 15, 2017

Dentists assisting a female patient with tooth brushing techniqueMany of us learned how to complete common hygiene functions at a young age. However, most hygiene routines continue to evolve throughout our lifetimes. Surprisingly, even though many people learn to brush their teeth as children, Dr. LJ Adam has found that most patients have never considered revising their technique or reviewing how effective it is. When’s the last time you paid attention to your tooth-brushing style? Many patients are surprised to hear their routine is not the most effective way to clean their teeth. Find out more by taking the following true/false quiz then contact our office to schedule your next checkup and teeth cleaning.

Take the Entire Family to Your Worthington Dentist!

May 24, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ljadam @ 2:54 am

You can take the entire family to your Worthington dentist. You just dropped your son off at soccer practice and now you’re headed to your daughter’s dental appointment at the pediatric dentist. Because of traffic you’re going to be late — again. As you feel your blood pressure rising, you think to yourself — there must be a better way! Instead of spending your days driving each member of the family around town, wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could see the same dental provider? The good news is you can take the entire family to see your Worthington dentist, Dr. LJ Adam. Here are some of the family-friendly services you’ll find at our practice.


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